About The Authors
From an early age, Paul was in the vice-like clutches of the demon drink and constantly embroiled within a dark cocktail of toxic beliefs, self-hate, and destructive violence. He has made a remarkable transformation from existing for many years in despair; to now living a really healthy, happy, and fulfilling life – spending most of his time in the sunny climes of south-east Spain. Paul’s life mission is both aspirational and transformational…Developing World Game-Changers through his books and podcasts, he creates the space and platforms for others to be heard; Paul totally understands we all have vital messages to share, and it is part of his mission to assist people’s voices to be heard – particularly our young people. He has a long and distinguished history of heart-centred coaching & mentoring; enabling others to also enjoy a life of health, happiness, and fulfilment. Paul has been responsible for raising very significant amounts of funds for many charities and good causes around the world; positively impacting and inspiring thousands of children – mainly from challenging backgrounds – both within his native UK, and worldwide. As the founder of World Game-Changers, Paul has dedicated decades of his life developing many life-empowering initiatives – contributing towards mastering the game of life.
From leaving school at the age of fifteen, Gary got involved with a football hooligan gang. For the following 25 years, his life became a roller-coaster of football-related violence, throughout England and abroad. As a result of his “antics,” Gary spent time in Detention Centres – eventually leading to prison – before starting to turn his life around. These days, he is a hard-working family man, and is the proud owner of a business, with his wife. Gary has been involved in writing in football-related books about his violent exploits, as well as being involved in numerous documentaries too, with people like comedian Micky Flanagan and actor Danny Dyer. He has also been a guest in a couple of films, “CASS,” and “The Guvnors. “Gary’s life today, couldn’t be any further away from those dark, violence-filled days; he’s now heavily involved in many charitable & local football initiatives, and has become a shining example of how we can all learn from our life’s experiences – no matter how challenging – and pass-on that learning, so others may benefit…Gary is a founding member of World Game-Changers, and serves as a Patron.
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